Dabria's Domain

Welcome to Dabria's Domain.....where I will try to keep you updated on the everyday outings and happenings in our family! I would love for you to leave comments and check in on us often! I'm sure this blog will soon be filled with pictures (mostly of Dabria) so it will be a great way to get a sneak peek....she is getting so big! I'm sure the occasional post about college or the Almighty Red Sox might show up too! So welcome to our very own blog!

January 29, 2007

Welcome to the world, little one!

Gaige Jacob was born this morning at 7:45 a.m. via c-section! Weighing in at 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long! Yes, he is smaller than we all thought! He joins big brother Gunner, and big sister Emma who so far, just can't get enough of him! He is so sweet! A healthy, precious baby! Congrats Hobie and Darah! Mom and baby are both doing well! I will come back and add captions to the pictures later- it has been a very long day, but we want to make sure Grandpa and Uncle Chris, Unle Danny, Jansen & Jarren could get a glimpse of this new little cutie!  Posted by Picasa

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Nanny proudly displays her 13th great-grandchild! Gaige makes grandchild number 6 in our family....Nana and the kids "clean up their act" in Darah's shower! Gunner pulled the emergency cord, and the nurse came rushing in! Oh boy....Darah is gonna have her hands full now!  Posted by Picasa