October 2, 2005
Today, Nana and Grandpa decided to take Dabria, Jansen, Emma, and Gunner for their first ride on Grandpa's boat at Pot-Nets! It was such a beautiful day for a boatride, and they were all angels! Dabria was scared when we mentioned the outing the day before...she was worried about sharks! We assured her she would not come in contact with any sharks, but she was still apprehensive about the whole idea! Saturday night we put her to bed, and a few minutes later, she emerged from her room obviously worried about something. She asked us if she goes on the boatride, would she get seasick? She is a constant worrier.....hmm, wonder who she

gets that from??? We told her it would be a fun smoothe ride, and not to worry about getting sea sick! She woke up Sunday excited to go....and thought is was a blast! She kept telling Captain Grandpa to go faster and watch out for the "boogies" (meaning buoys), and all the kids thought it was great when they got splashed! Jansen fell asleep with his thumb in his mouth....the wind and the hum of the motor was all it took- he was out! Gunner wasn't too thrilled to be immobilized in his life preserver, but all the kids were so good! They all posed for pictures (which is a feat in itself), and can't wait to get back out on the bay for another fantastic ride!