I can't believe my baby has headed off for Kindergarten- it doesn't seem possible! I think sending her off on the bus was much harder for me than for her- I fought back tears all day! She woke up very excited to go to school, which was such a nice surprise after our previous preschool disaster! It is a sign that she is really growing up, and although we will undoubtedly have some obstacles, I was so proud of my little girl this day! She put her brave face on and climbed up on that school bus, and although it may seem like a simple everyday task for many...it was a huge step for Dabria in overcoming some tough issues in the past months. Her first day went really well...better than anyone expected! Her teacher was thrilled with how well she did in class and called to let us know just how great she did! I nervously waited at the school bus stop that first day, and when she stepped down off the step- she burst into tears! I was fearing the worst...but after calming her down, she explained that school went great and she had a fun time, but the bus driver was very loud and yelling at all the kids on the way home, and she was just scared. So, after dealing with some bus issues, it seems school is something she is looking forward to and very excited about! We are so very proud of our little school girl! Way to go Dabria!
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